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Facility Rentals

As a service to our community, Vandalia-Butler City Schools offers a facility/grounds rental program. Facilities and grounds are open for public use when it does not conflict with the needs of the schools. The fee schedule for rentals has been established to cover the costs of operations and maintenance needs.

*Please note, our district facility rentals are limited on Sundays with few exceptions.*

Rules, processes, procedures, and fee schedule for renting district facilities:

Facility Rental Permit Guidelines

A rental form must be completed for the specific school you wish to rent. Completed rental forms must be returned to the building principal at least two weeks prior to the requested dates. If you have any questions, please contact the principal at the building you wish to rent.

Demmitt Elementary Rental Application

Helke Elementary Rental Application

Morton Middle School Rental Application

Smith Middle School Rental Application

Butler High School Rental Application