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Special Education Services

The school district offers a number of services to students with disabilities including:

  • Preschool Special Education Programs

  • School Psychological Services

  • Speech and Language Therapy Services

  • Occupational and Physical Therapy Services

  • A variety of supports and services for children with identified disabilities in grades K-12

If you think your child may have a disability

Ohio School Districts are required to provide free appropriate educational services to all children in their attendance area, ages 3 through 21, who are determined to have a disability.

Disability, in this case, means such conditions as hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech or language impairments, specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, cognitive disabilities, physical impairments, other health impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injury. 

Schools are also required to provide evaluations to determine if a child has such a disability. If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, contact your local school district for more information.  The contact person for the Vandalia-Butler City Schools is Lisa Hildebrand Director of Pupil Services, at 415-6431.

“Whose IDEA is this? A Parent's Guide to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004”. 

April 2, 2024

The Vandalia-Butler City School District hereby provides notice that the student special educational records of any students who attended the District, regardless of whether they graduated from the District or not, and whose year of birth was 2000, will be disposed of in accordance with Board Policy.