The first thing you will see upon logging in to our system is the “Attendance and Grades” at-a-glance page. This provides easy access to recent grades, and classroom attendance. At BHS and MMS, attendance is taken for each period, and this class-by-class attendance is available for parents to see.
The “current” grade, or standing in the class, are listed under the appropriate semester (Q1=quarter 1, S1=semester 1), and clicking on this link will bring up a detail page for grades in that class. Clicking on the teacher name will activate a link so you can easily e-mail the teacher.
Along the top of the page are icons to lead you to different areas of the Parent Access.
Attendance Detail
The detail for attendance will show a reasonable span of time around the current date. You will be able to see absences, tardy’s and other codes. A “dot” in the table indicates the child is not scheduled on that day. A clear space indicates the student was present.
A legend for this screen is available at the bottom of the page.
Class Score Detail
If you click on the score for a class, you will then see the Class Score Detail screen, outlining assignments. Different teachers will provide different levels of detail for each assignment and category.
Teacher Detail
The Teacher Comments screen provides information via each teacher and course. Teachers have the optional ability to provide a comment, but comments will most likely be added at interim and at the end of marking periods. If a teacher does have a comment for your child, it can be accessed by clicking the “Teacher Comments” icon along the top toolbar within the Parent Access.
E-Mail Notification
You can ask PowerSchool to send you a periodic e-mail detailing information about your child’s progress in school.
This screen requests what you want to know in each e-mail, and how frequently you wish to receive the e-mails. We recommend a weekly report over a daily report, but the frequency of when you receive e-mails is up to you. If you ever need to change the address where e-mails are sent, you can change it from this screen at a future date.